Shah Rukh Khan, Taapsee Pannu, and Rajkumar Hirani’s Dunki continue to garner immense love globally, crossing Rs 452.87 crore in box office collections. The film, centered around the ‘donkey flight,’ a clandestine immigration route, resonates well with audiences worldwide. Despite its global success, Dunki faces a domestic box office plateau, earning Rs 1.15 crore on day 22, still shy of the Rs 250 crore mark in India, with a total domestic collection of Rs 221.77 crore.

The film’s overall occupancy stood at 10.27 percent, with Mumbai hosting 372 shows at a 10.25 percent occupancy and Delhi-NCR featuring 642 shows at 8.75 percent occupancy. However, the release of Katrina Kaif and Vijay Sethupathi’s Merry Christmas on January 12 poses a challenge, as theaters may reduce Dunki’s screenings. Among SRK’s 2023 releases, Dunki ranks third in performance after Jawaan and Pathaan.

During an award ceremony at a news agency’s Indian of the Year – 2023, Shah Rukh Khan expressed gratitude for the success of Pathaan, Jawaan, and Dunki, collectively grossing Rs 2500 crore worldwide. He thanked Siddharth Anand, Aditya Chopra, Atlee Kumar, and Rajkumar Hirani, acknowledging Dunki as “one of the most beautiful films” in his career. SRK’s heartfelt appreciation underscores the collaborative effort behind these cinematic achievements in 2023.

As Dunki faces a domestic box office challenge with the release of Merry Christmas, the film’s global triumph and SRK’s gratitude reflect a dynamic year in cinema. The diverse themes explored in Pathaan, Jawaan, and Dunki contribute to SRK’s cinematic journey, marking 2023 as a notable chapter in his illustrious career. The audience’s continued support underscores the impact of these films, making them significant milestones in the Hindi film industry.

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