Shah Rukh Khan’s latest film, “Dunki,” continues to gain momentum at the box office despite facing stiff competition from Prabhas’ “Salaar.” On its fourth day, directed by Rajkumar Hirani, the film witnessed a remarkable 25 percent surge, collecting Rs 31.50 crores. This performance solidified its position in the coveted 100 crore club. According to industry trackers, the movie opened with Rs 29.20 crore, followed by Rs 20.12 crore on its first Friday and Rs 25.61 crore on its first Saturday. The day 4 box office collection stands at Rs 108 crore in India and an estimated Rs 215 crore worldwide.

With a 49.67 percent Hindi occupancy on Sunday, witnessing an evening uptick, Dunki’s success reached new heights. The film, marking the first collaboration between Hirani and Shah Rukh Khan, experienced its biggest day on Sunday, both domestically and internationally. With Monday being a Christmas holiday, expectations are high for continued success at the ticket windows.

“Dunki” is Shah Rukh Khan’s third release this year, following the blockbuster hits “Jawan” and “Pathaan,” which opened with higher numbers, earning Rs 128.23 crores and Rs 127.50 crores within the first two days. “Dunki” now stands as the 10th Shah Rukh Khan film to join the prestigious 100 crore club.

In addition to Shah Rukh Khan, the film features a star-studded cast including Taapsee Pannu, Vicky Kaushal, Boman Irani, and Anil Grover in pivotal roles. “Dunki” has now entered the league of successful Rajkumar Hirani films, alongside “PK,” “3 Idiots,” and “Sanju,” making over Rs 100 crore at the Indian box office. The film’s impressive performance affirms its place in the pantheon of box office hits.

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