Despite facing fierce competition from Prabhas-starrer Salaar, Shah Rukh Khan’s Dunki maintains a steady pace at the box office. Following a robust first weekend and Christmas holiday, Dunki experiences a gradual decline in earnings. Early estimates from industry tracker Sacnilk project Wednesday’s collection at Rs 9.75 crore, marking the film’s lowest single-day haul and bringing the domestic total to Rs 151.26 crore. With an overall Hindi occupancy of 19.89 percent on Wednesday, Dunki’s worldwide gross reaches Rs 283.13 crore after six days, as reported by Red Chillies Entertainment.

Dunki had an impressive opening on its first Thursday, amassing Rs 29.2 crore. However, Friday witnessed a 31 percent dip, with earnings at Rs 20.12 crore. The film rebounded over the weekend, registering a 27.29 percent increase on Saturday, securing Rs 25.61 crore. Sunday continued the upward trend with a 19.88 percent hike, totaling Rs 30.7 crore. The momentum shifted on Monday, seeing a 20.78 percent decline to Rs 24.32 crore. Tuesday marked a further dip with a 52 percent fall, bringing in Rs 11.56 crore.

Dunki emerges as Shah Rukh Khan’s least successful film in 2023, both critically and commercially. In the same year, the actor delivered hits with Jawan and Pathaan, surpassing his own records. The combined earnings of these films exceeded Rs 2200 crore. Incorporating Dunki’s figures, Shah Rukh Khan’s films have now grossed around Rs 2500 crore worldwide.

While Dunki faces challenges, its cumulative impact alongside Shah Rukh Khan’s previous successes demonstrates the actor’s significant box office influence. The movie’s performance provides insights into audience preferences and industry dynamics, showcasing the actor’s resilience amid varying cinematic landscapes.

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