Shah Rukh Khan’s recent film, “Dunki,” rebounds after Salaar’s impact on the domestic box office. With an opening day collection of Rs 29.20 crore, the film faced a 31.10% decline in India’s box office on Friday due to Prabhas-led Salaar’s global release.

Despite the setback, “Dunki” showcased resilience, earning Rs 20.12 crore on its first Friday. It witnessed a notable 27% surge in collections on the following Saturday, estimated at around Rs 25.50 crore. This performance propels its total India box office earnings to approximately Rs 75 crore, with aspirations to reach the coveted Rs 100 crore milestone.

The film recorded an overall 40.71% occupancy in its Hindi shows on Saturday, with major contributions from cities like Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkata, NCR, Pune, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, and Chandigarh. Notably, “Dunki” sold over 7.68 lakh tickets on Saturday across 9,402 shows in national multiplex chains. PVR chains contributed 1.49 lakh tickets worth Rs 8.11 crore, Inox chains sold 1.10 lakh tickets valued at Rs 5.56 crore, and Cinepolis saw 63,291 tickets worth Rs 3.26 crore, as reported by film trade analyst Manobala Vijayabalan.

Anticipating a strong Sunday, “Dunki” secured 4.05 lakh tickets valued at Rs 12.59 crore through advance bookings for day 4 across 10,977 shows nationwide. Simultaneously, the film achieved a noteworthy global box office milestone, amassing Rs 103.40 crore within two days of its release.

Film critic and trade analyst, commenting on the film’s worldwide success, noted, “Rajkumar Hirani’s ‘Dunki’ marks a distinct genre for Shah Rukh Khan compared to his releases earlier this year. While ‘Pathaan’ and ‘Jawan’ explored action, ‘Dunki’ showcases his prowess in the romantic and softer aspects.” The film’s diverse appeal seems to contribute significantly to its impressive box office journey, captivating audiences both domestically and globally.

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