Shah Rukh Khan’s latest Bollywood venture of 2023, ‘Dunki,’ continues its robust performance at the box office. Despite experiencing a slight dip on its third Wednesday, early estimates suggest the film garnered ₹1.30 crore on Day 21, as reported by industry trackers. The movie has impressively crossed ₹223.6 crore net in the domestic market within 21 days of its release.

On the 20th day, Dunki maintained a 10.47 percent occupancy in Hindi, with morning shows at 8.72 percent, afternoon shows at 10.29 percent, evening shows at 10.25 percent, and night shows at 12.61 percent, according to reports. Globally, Dunki is poised to surpass the ₹500 crore mark, having already amassed ₹430 crore net worldwide, as per industry trackers. Dunki’s day 22 estimates say that the morning occupancy in Hindi is 7.52%.

Red Chillies Entertainment, in a recent post on X, disclosed that the film’s gross box office collection has reached ₹447.70 crore worldwide. Dunki made an impressive ₹29.2 crore net on its release day in India, witnessing a notable drop on Day 2 with ₹20.12 crore. Benefiting from positive word-of-mouth, the film amassed ₹160.22 crore net in its first week. The second week saw the immigration drama collect ₹46.25 crore net in India.

As Dunki’s global journey unfolds, its success becomes increasingly apparent, solidifying Shah Rukh Khan’s influence on the cinematic landscape. The film’s trajectory hints at a continued strong performance, with the audience’s positive reception and substantial box office figures marking it as a significant entry in Bollywood’s 2023 lineup. With its impressive domestic and international numbers, ‘Dunki’ stands as a testament to the enduring appeal of Shah Rukh Khan and the film’s compelling narrative.

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