On the first day of 2024, Shah Rukh Khan’s recent release “Dunki” witnessed a return to single-digit box office earnings, accumulating ₹9.25 crore on day 12. Launched on December 21, the film achieved an overall occupancy of 30.8 percent during New Year shows, with Kolkata, Chennai, Delhi, and Bengaluru hosting the highest number of screenings. Industry trackers reported a cumulative collection of ₹196.97 crore for “Dunki” so far. Celebrating a promising start to 2024 at the Indian box office, the film, along with “Salaar,” contributed nearly 30 crores gross. The international scene also reflects “Dunki’s” global appeal, with expectations to join the ₹400 crore club soon.

Directed by Rajkumar Hirani, “Dunki” features a stellar cast including Taapsee Pannu, Vicky Kaushal, Boman Irani, Vikram Kochhar, and Anil Grover. As Shah Rukh Khan’s final release of 2023, the film narrates a heartwarming story of four friends—Manu, Sukhi, Buggu, and Balli—highlighting the challenges of the “donkey flight,” an illegal immigration method. Amidst the holiday season, “Dunki” attracts audiences to Indian theaters while maintaining a robust global presence.

Notably, industry insiders predict “Dunki’s” entry into the ₹400 crore club internationally. The film captures the struggles of its protagonists dreaming of a better life in London, navigating an arduous yet transformative journey. Shah Rukh Khan’s character, Hardy, plays a pivotal role in aiding the friends on their quest. As the cinematic journey resonates with audiences both locally and globally, “Dunki” positions itself as a significant cinematic success, rounding off Shah Rukh Khan’s cinematic contributions for 2023 on a high note.

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