Rajkumar Hirani’s film “Dunki” continues its triumphant run at the box office, led by the charismatic Shah Rukh Khan, and has captivated Bollywood enthusiasts. On the 18th day of its release, the movie, featuring the first on-screen pairing of Taapsee Pannu and Shah Rukh Khan, recorded a remarkable ₹4.25 crore in collections across all languages, as reported by industry trackers. The star-studded cast, including Boman Irani and Vicky Kaushal, has contributed to the film’s impressive domestic total of Rs 216.57 crore. Red Chillies Entertainment recently shared the global box office figures on their official Instagram profile, revealing that “Dunki” is not only winning hearts domestically but has also grossed ₹436.40 crore worldwide.

In a caption accompanying the post, Red Chillies Entertainment expressed gratitude for the audience’s love, urging them to book tickets and watch “Dunki” in cinemas. The film’s female lead, Taapsee Pannu, added a delightful anecdote about how she secured her role in the film, stating, “The call for ‘Dunki’ first came from Raju Sir, but before that, the news had already spread that I was being considered for this film. Just like any other rumor, I thought, ‘This isn’t possible.’ It was the first time a positive rumor about me surfaced, and I was happy about it.”

Taapsee continued, “Then I received a call from Sir. He said, ‘Since the media has already reported it, I thought I might as well call and tell you.’ It was a rare rumor that was good and turned out to be true.” The actress shared her joy about being associated with the project and the unique journey that led to her role in “Dunki.”

Released on December 21, the film is a collaborative effort by Red Chillies Entertainment, JIO Studios, and Rajkumar Hirani Films. The success of “Dunki” not only signifies its box office prowess but also underscores the impact of its engaging storyline and star-studded ensemble, making it a noteworthy chapter in Bollywood’s recent cinematic offerings.

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