Bengaluru Joint Police Commissioner Sandeep Patil on Tuesday addressed the media announcing that the Bengaluru police (crime branch) has nabbed Aditya Alva from a resort situated between Mahabalipuram and Chennai. Notably, the accused number six in the Sandalwood drug case was absconding for the past few months, is the son of the late leader of the Janata Party Jeevaraj Alva and brother-in-law of Bollywood actor Vivek Oberoi. 

“We were involved in a continuous operation to arrest him. We received a tip-off that he was in Chennai after which a team arrested him”, said Patil at his media address. The sources revealed that the investigators had been tracking mobile phone locations of the people who are close to Aditya and were in regular contact with the accused. An operation of arresting him was planned after the Bengaluru police finally received information on his whereabouts. 

Notably, on October 15, 2020, the Central Crime Branch personnel raided the apartment of Priyanka Alva, who is his sister and Vivek Oberoi’s wife. Priyanka was also summoned by the Crime Branch to appear before them in Bengaluru for further interrogations on the case. Priyanka, however, failed to obey the summon. Aditya, on the other hand, was one of the 17 people booked regarding the concerned case, which include actors like Sanjjanaa Galrani and Ragini Dwivedi.