Salman Khan’s Tiger 3, released on Diwali, had a robust start, collecting Rs 44.5 crore on day one. However, the film experienced a 50% decline on its fourth day, dropping from Rs 44 crore to Rs 22 crore. The total domestic box office collection now stands at Rs 169.5 crore, while the global gross is Rs 241.85 crore. Surprisingly, the dip occurred on Bhai Dooj, a holiday in many regions.

Despite releasing in over 4500 screens nationwide, the Maneesh Sharma film had a modest 19% occupancy in the Delhi-NCR region, and Mumbai recorded an 18.25% occupancy with over 1336 shows. In contrast, 2023 witnessed major box office successes like Pathaan, Jawan, and Gadar 2, each setting remarkable records. Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan earned Rs 220 crore nett in its first four days, Gadar 2 made Rs 173.58 crore nett, and Jawan, without a holiday advantage, excelled with Rs 286.16 crore nett.

Yash Raj Films consciously chose to release Tiger 3 on Diwali’s “weakest day.” Rohan Malhotra, VP of Distribution for YRF, explained, “In this case, what came to our mind was that it is important for us not to look at the opening day numbers but to focus on what is eventually going to benefit, and in the case of Tiger 3, we definitely felt that going on Laxmi Puja day, which is considered the weakest day to release a film, would be a better fit for our film.” 

Despite the fourth-day dip, the film’s overall performance will likely be assessed in the context of sustained box office success, as YRF emphasizes long-term benefits over initial numbers.

Read More: Salman Khan’s Tiger 3 Crosses Rs 200 Crore Global Box Office

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