On the 69th birth anniversary of the late Bollywood actor Rishi Kapoor, daughter Riddhima Kapoor Sahni shared the first look for ‘Sharmaji Namkeen’, the iconic star’s last film. The poster shows the late actor Rishi Kapoor holding a briefcase. What will surely conquer your heart is his millionaire’s smile!

While sharing the poster, Riddhima thanked Paresh Rawal for playing her father’s role in the movie and wrapping up she said,  “We are proud to present, the poster of a very special film- Sharmaji Namkeen, starring one of the most celebrated actors in the Hindi film industry whose inimitable work and sparkling career we will cherish forever, Mr Rishi Kapoor. As a mark of love, respect and remembrance of him and as a gift to his millions of fans, here is the first look of his final film. A big thank you to Mr Paresh Rawal, who completed the film by agreeing to take the sensitive step of portraying the same character played by Rishi-Ji. Produced by Excel Entertainment and Macguffin Pictures, directed by debutant Hitesh Bhatia, this film is a light-hearted coming-of-age story of a lovable 60-year-old-man.”

The movie features the late Mr Rishi Kapoor alongside Juhi Chawla. The film is directed by Hitesh Bhatia and Excel Entertainment by Farhan Akhtar supporting the film in association with MacGuffin Pictures.

This movie would mark Juhi and Rishi’s reunion on the big screen after a long time. Both of them starred in films like ‘Bol Radha Bol’, ‘Saajan Ka Ghar’, ‘Rishta Ho To Aisa’, ‘Ghar Ki Ijaazat’, and ‘Eena Meena Deeka’ to name a few.

They were last seen together in the movie ‘Luck By Chance’, which marked the directorial debut of Farhan’s sister, Zoya Akhtar, and was produced by Farhan and Ritesh Sidhwani. Rishi Kapoor bid the world adieu on April 30, 2020, after failing to fight against cancer.

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