Ranbir Kapoor’s film experienced a continuous decline in numbers during its third week, recording a Wednesday collection of ₹5 crore, according to early estimates by industry trackers. The Sandeep Reddy Vanga-directed Animal, now at a nett India collection of ₹528.69 crore, faces a potential further drop on Thursday due to the release of Shah Rukh Khan’s Dunki. With Prabhas’ Salaar hitting theaters on Friday, Animal’s theatrical journey may conclude. The report indicates 11.58% Hindi show occupancy and 18.19% for Telugu shows. Globally, Animal approaches ₹850 crore gross after nearly three weeks.

Despite criticism for alleged misogyny and extreme violence, Animal ranks among this year’s highest-grossing Indian films. Sandeep Reddy Vanga, defending the content, remains firm amid controversy. The star-studded cast includes Anil Kapoor, Bobby Deol, Rashmika Mandanna, and Triptii Dimri. Riding on Animal’s immense success, T-Series officially announces the sequel, Animal Park, with a post-credits scene hinting at a double role for Ranbir Kapoor.

T-Series and Vanga collaborate for three films, including Prabhas’ Spirit and one featuring Allu Arjun. An Instagram post from T-Series reads: “A partnership built on trust, fuelled by creative freedom, and fortified by an unbreakable bond. Producer Bhushan Kumar and Director #SandeepReddyVanga unveil the next cinematic wonders–Prabhas’ Spirit, Animal Park, and an Allu Arjun saga–the chapters that follow the monumental success of Kabir Singh and #Animal.”

In this strategic alliance, T-Series expresses confidence in Vanga’s directorial prowess and emphasizes the forthcoming cinematic marvels. The industry anticipates these ventures as successors to the acclaimed Kabir Singh and the blockbuster Animal, showcasing a promising trajectory for the collaborative cinematic journey.

In conclusion, Ranbir Kapoor’s film “Animal” navigated both success and controversy during its theatrical run. Despite critiques, its substantial box office performance and the announcement of a sequel, “Animal Park,” highlight the dynamic landscape of Indian cinema. As T-Series and Sandeep Reddy Vanga embark on a collaborative journey with promising projects, the industry eagerly anticipates their future cinematic endeavors.