Mumbai: After experiencing a dip in its box office earnings during the second week, the Ranbir Kapoor-starrer Animal regained momentum on its third Saturday, raking in Rs 13 crore. This pushes Animal’s total domestic collection to Rs 498.14 crore.

The film boasted a 22.14 percent Hindi occupancy and a 23.81 percent Telugu occupancy. Directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, Animal is on the verge of crossing the Rs 800 crore milestone globally, with the current global earnings of Rs 796 crore.

During the initial ten days of its release, Animal enjoyed a phenomenal run at the box office. However, on the 11th day, it saw a significant, 61 percent decline, collecting Rs 13.85 crore. The downward trend continued into the second week, with single-digit earnings of around Rs. 8 crores on both Thursday and Friday.

Despite facing competition from Meghna Gulzar’s Sam Bahadur, Animal has set new records at the box office. The film managed to bounce back during its third weekend, showing growth on Saturday, and is expected to maintain similar momentum on Sunday.

A comparison made by Film critic Taran Adarsh on December 8 between the best box office movies of the year showed animal the highest grossing ‘A’ certified movie. Taran Adarsh is currently undergone a surgery and is recovering as a part of his battle with his health ailment.

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