On its eighth day, Ranbir Kapoor’s film “Animal” sustains momentum with a slight decline at the box office, earning an estimated ₹23.5 crore on its second Friday. Despite facing criticism for promoting violence and misogyny, the film’s Hindi version records an overall occupancy of 29.41 percent. The total earnings reach ₹361.08 crore in India, with the global box office tally at ₹563.3 crore.

During its first week, “Animal” garnered ₹338 crore across languages, including ₹300.81 crore (Hindi), ₹33.45 crore (Telugu), ₹2.73 crore (Tamil), ₹0.52 crore (Kannada), and ₹0.07 crore (Malayalam). The film is inching closer to surpassing the Ranbir-starrer “Sanju” in box office collections.

The official X page of the film celebrates the achievement with a poster of Ranbir Kapoor’s character, hailing it as an “Epic Triumph – Animal.”

Despite controversies, actress Rashmika Mandanna, who plays Gitanjali in the film, defends her character in a heartfelt note. Gitanjali, depicted as the stabilizing force in her family, is described by Rashmika as pure, real, unfiltered, strong, and raw. Mandanna acknowledges questioning some of Gitanjali’s actions but emphasizes that it is the characters’ story—Ranvijay and Gitanjali’s love, passion, families, and lives.

In a world marked by violence and pain, Gitanjali is portrayed as a source of peace, trust, and calmness. The character’s unwavering dedication to family is highlighted, with Gitanjali depicted as a rock weathering all storms, praying for her husband and children’s safety. 

Rashmika defends Gitanjali as a representation of the strength found in many women who tirelessly protect their families. As “Animal” completes its first week, she expresses gratitude to the team, signifying a week of success for the entire “Animal” crew.

Read More: Congress MP Ranjeet Ranjan Decries Animal Remark, Disrespects Sikh Sentiments

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