Malayalam actor Radhika Sarathkumar recently shared her experience of sexual harassment at the hands of some directors and cinematographers in the Malayalam film industry and said that such incidents do not happen only in the Malayalam film industry but across all the industry. In her recent interview to ‘Namaste Kerala’ of Asianet News, Radhika narrated an unpleasant experience of her shooting in Kerala where she had disturbed a gross invasion of the privacy of a lady actor.

Radhika, who has acted in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada films, shared an experience in which she was on a set, and she saw a group of men surrounding her, laughing and watching something on a screen. Intrigued and concerned, she asked one of the crew members what they were watching back, and she replied. Adding to her disappointment, she was told that they were watching a video, which was recorded with an undercover camera hidden inside a female actor’s vanity van while she was half-naked. Both the men easily told Radhika that one could easily find such videos on the internet by just typing the actress’s name.

Coming into this expose, Radhika was visibly shaken by what she discovered and by the apprehension of the men she interacted with, whom she asked to explain themselves. But she was given the cold shoulder and was told that the matter would be ‘looked into’. Radhika chose not to name the culprits or the movie, refusing the comment, saying, “If we spit upwards, it falls on the face, so I do not want to disclose names.”

In her testimony, the senior actor stated that the occurrence had indeed alarmed her. She started opting for her hotel room over a vanity van while changing clothes, and she entered the set more cautiously than before. Radhika also made an effort to caution other female actresses about the covert cameras, insisting it was an infringement of privacy in what should be a place of refuge.

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