Mumbai: A pre-release event for the film ‘Adipurush’ was held in Tirupati today. The grand affair that began at 5PM today showcased the immense popularity of Prabhas and high anticipation for the movie. Meticulous planning, distribution of passes, arrangement of LCD screens, and diligent work by police forces to ensure safety for all created a successful event.

The film has several factors to make people of all age groups go gaga, as it is made based on the important Hindu epic ‘Ramayana’. The film has several specialties attached to it, as it is made as one of the most expensive movies in Indian cinema so far.

Prabhas Raju who is playing the lead role, tweeted about the event.

The film is directed by National award-winning director and shall have guests like Chinna Jeeyar Swami who will also mark special appearance at the event. The movie has reportedly closed its Pre-release business in Telugu states for a whopping amount.