Patiala: The Patiala House Court in Delhi has issued summons to veteran Bollywood actor Dharmendra and two others in connection with a cheating case involving the ‘Garam Dharam Dhaba’ franchise. The summons issued by judicial magistrate (first class) Yashdeep Chahal, follows a complaint by Delhi businessman Sushil Kumar, who claims he was misled into investing in the ‘Garam Dharam Dhaba’ franchise.
In the summons order passed on December 5, the judge said, “Prima facie, the evidence on record indicates that the accused persons induced the complainant in furtherance of their common intention and the ingredients of the offence of cheating were duly disclosed to them.
The court further said, “Accordingly, accused persons Serial No. 1 (Dharam Singh Deol), 2 and 3 are produced before the court under Sections 420, 120B read with Section 34 IPC. Accused persons Serial No. 2 and 3 are summoned for the offence of criminal intimidation under Section 506 IPC.”
The court also observed that the documents, including the letter of intent bearing the Garam Dharam Dhaba logo, clearly indicate that the transaction involved the restaurant and was being pursued by the co-accused on behalf of accused Dharam Singh Deol.
On October 9, 2020, the court dismissed an application seeking a direction for the registration of an FIR. However, the court had taken cognisance of the complaint and directed the complainant to produce evidence. Advocate DD Pandey appeared for the complainant Sushil Kumar.
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