New Delhi: Anti-drug agency, the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB), has filed an affidavit in the Bombay High Court stating that Sameer Wankhede, former zonal director of the NCB, cannot present his chats with actor Shah Rukh Khan as evidence of his integrity since he kept these chats secret. The NCB argues that Wankhede had no valid reason to continue such chats with Khan without informing his superiors, and it appears that many calls were made by Wankhede to the actor.

Wankhede, an Indian Revenue Service officer, is currently facing a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) probe for allegedly demanding a sum of ₹25 crore from Khan to avoid framing the actor’s son, Aryan, in a drugs case. Wankhede shared his chats with Khan in an affidavit filed last month to counter allegations of extortion, claiming that the actor praised his integrity in the conversations.

In response, the NCB submitted a 92-page affidavit on June 17, revealing exclusive details. The bureau argues that Wankhede’s undisclosed chats cannot serve as evidence of his integrity since he kept them secret and did not disclose them to the special enquiry team or his superiors. The NCB questions Wankhede’s motivation for continuing these chats with Shah Rukh Khan without informing his superiors.

The NCB also highlights that Wankhede made numerous calls to Khan, but it remains unknown what transpired during those conversations. The content of these chats and calls will be evaluated by the CBI, which is investigating the extortion case, according to the NCB.

Additionally, the NCB’s affidavit reveals that despite Wankhede’s transfer from the NCB to the Directorate of Revenue and Intelligence, he remained in regular contact with a deputy legal advisor, indicating an attempt to manipulate the outcome of the Aryan Khan probe and extract sensitive information about the case.

Wankhede had alleged in his affidavit that the NCB’s special investigation team, which reinvestigated the Cordelia vessel cruise raid in October 2021, attempted to protect Aryan Khan. He also shared details of a call with the legal advisor, claiming that the draft complaint prepared by him was altered to favor Aryan Khan.

However, the NCB dismisses these allegations and attaches transcripts of a call between Wankhede and the legal advisor on June 2, 2022, which took place after Wankhede had been shifted to his parent cadre. The transcripts indicate that Wankhede requested the legal advisor for certain details, refuting his claims of foul play.

The ongoing legal battle and investigation surrounding Wankhede’s conduct and the Aryan Khan case continue to draw attention, with both sides presenting conflicting arguments and evidence.