In the Mumbai cruise drugs case, where Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan and 7 others were detained on October 3rd, Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) officials arrived today at Shah Rukh Khan’s mansion ‘Mannat’ and actress Ananya Panday’s home. The anti-drugs agency had summoned Ananya for questioning at 2:00 PM in connection with the Mumbai drugs case. Shah Rukh Khan paid a visit to Arthur Road Jail earlier today to see Aryan.

The NCB team had gone to Shah Rukh Khan’s house to serve him with a notice demanding that any other electronic gadgets belonging to Aryan Khan be turned over to the investigative agency. Ananya Panday’s phone has been taken by NCB officers. Meanwhile, at the Mumbai cruise party, NCB discovered chats between Aryan Khan and an upcoming Bollywood actress about narcotics. The court received the chat messages ahead of Aryan Khan’s bail hearing on Wednesday.

The bail applications of Aryan Khan, Arbaaz Merchant, and Munmun Dhamecha were all denied by the Mumbai special court on Wednesday. According to Ms Dhamecha’s lawyer, Ali Kaashif Khan Deshmukh, the Bombay High Court has agreed to hear Arbaaz Merchant and Munmun Dhamecha’s bail case on October 26th.