New Delhi:  Delhi Women’s Panel chief Swati Maliwal said that director-comedian Sajid khan should be in jail and not in reality show. Maliwal’s statement comes after she received rape threats against her on social media. The Delhi Commission for Women wrote a letter to Union Information and  Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur to intervene and remove Sajid Khan from the latest season of Bigg Boss. The women’s panel chief said that Sajid’s Bigg Boss Season 16 entry was an apparent attempt to whitewash his image.

Maliwal has tweeted her concern and also shared a screenshot of threats.

In Maliwals complaint addressed to DCP Prashant Gautam of Delhi Police Cyber Crime Department, she said, “as you are aware in 2018, during MeToo movement, over 10 actresses, models, and journalists spoke out against the alleged sexual offences committed by Sajid Khan. Subsequently, he was suspended from the Indian Film and Television Directors Association from directing movies for a year.

The commission took cognizance and wrote letter to Anurag Thakur for giving an opportunity for a ‘re-launch’ to an alleged sexual predator like Sajid Khan. “It gives wrong message to society as well as to women who risked their careers to expose him”, she mentioned.

Ever since the commission acted in the matter, Maliwal has received rape threats online on Instagram account wherein the men have stated tat Sajid Khan will rape her.