Mumbai: Nightingale of India, Lata Mangeshkar is stable and under observation in the ICU, Dr Pratit Samdani treating her at the Breach Candy hospital said on Wednesday. The Veteran singer who was taken to the hospital on Saturday was diagnosed with pneumonia after she tested positive to COVID-19.

Updating about her sister’s health, Usha Mangeshkar said, “She is doing much better now. Corona ka koi asar nahi hai uspe. She has little bit of pneumonia, congestion, which I feel should get cleared today. She is fine now and within one or two days she should get discharged.”

According to the reports furnished by experts, the 92-year-old will stay in the ICU for 10-12 taking her age into consideration. The Mangeshkar family is worried but has maintained calmness and urged fans to pray for the well being of the legendary singer.

The news of the nightingale of India testing positive to COVID-19 surfaced on Tuesday after the singer’s niece Rachna Shah informed.