Mumbai: Salman Khan’s comeback movie, Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan, was released on Friday, 21 April, witnessed its first drop in the box office collection. Six days since the film was released, the film has collected Rs. 83.46 crores. The analysts made many predictions regarding this movie’s box office collections, but it has fallen and not reached the estimates.

Farhad Samji directs this movie, and Pooja Hegde and Salman Khan are the lead actors. The film was released in Hindi and various dubbed languages across multiple parts of the world. The audience waited for a Salman Khan movie for a long time, and the analysts said that the film would be able to collect more than 22 crores on the first day.

But the movie collection on the first day was just 13.5 crores. However, on the 2nd day, the movie collected 25.75 crores, up to 26.61 crores on the 3rd day. Monday and Tuesday collections of this movie are roughly estimated to be around 17-18 crores, and according to the analysts, the film may earn 7 crores on Wednesday, 26 April.

This means that the total box office collections which the movie has done to date are approximately 90.5 crores. The total budget of this movie is around 150 crores and will be declared a hit only if it crosses 150 crores entire box office collections.