Mumbai: Bollywood actors Kareena Kapoor and Amrita Arora have reportedly tested positive for COVID-19. BMC sources informed that the actors’ close contacts have been directed to undergo RT-PCR testing. Kareena and Amrita had reportedly attended a few parties before their diagnosis. Kareena and Amrita had attended a get-together hosted by Rhea Kapoor which was also attended by Malaika Arora, Karisma Kapoor, and Masaba Gupta. The two also attended Karan Johar’s party this week which also had Arjun Kapoor, Alia Bhatt in attendance. 

 Earlier in December, actor Amit Sadh had shared that he tested positive for the virus. He had shared a note that read, “’Despite utmost precautions, I have tested positive for COVID-19. The symptoms are mild. Following the protocols, I have isolated myself and will be under home quarantine.” On the career front, Kareena Kapoor has the Aamir Khan-starrer Laal Singh Chaddha lined up for release. The film is the Hindi adaptation of the American film Forrest Gump. It is scheduled to release on April 14th 2022.