Renowned filmmaker Karan Johar recently took to his Instagram handle to announce his exciting collaboration with talented actor Vicky Kaushal for an upcoming project. Johar expressed his heartfelt connection to this particular film and highlighted the significance of its producer, Amritpal Singh Bindra, who is not only a close friend but also someone he considers family. Johar commended Bindra for establishing a company that prioritizes creativity and goodwill over mere commercial interests.

Johar further introduced Anand Tiwari, the director of their film, whom he described as the funniest person in town with a heart of gold. The filmmaker expressed his enthusiasm about working with Vicky Kaushal once again, as he admires both his artistic talents and his exceptional qualities as a human being. The two previously collaborated in the critically acclaimed anthology film “Lust Stories.”

The announcement also shed light on the addition of powerhouse performer Ammy Virk, whose energy and artistry are bound to make a significant impact. Tripti Dimri, known for her remarkable performances in non-commercial films, will be seen in a commercial avatar for the first time, and Johar praised her stunning presence in the project.

Expressing his gratitude, Johar thanked his production partner Apoorva Mehta and the entire team at Leo Media Collective for their support. He also acknowledged the collaboration with Prime Video, describing them as an amazing studio and collaborative partner.

Vicky Kaushal, in response to the announcement, expressed his excitement, promising audiences a blend of love, entertainment, and a riot of emotions. He also revealed that the film is set to hit the big screens on February 23, 2024, and urged everyone to stay tuned for more updates.

Fans and movie enthusiasts eagerly await further details about this project, as Karan Johar continues to captivate audiences with his unique storytelling and Vicky Kaushal continues to impress with his versatility and impactful performances.