Mumbai: Famous filmmaker Karan Johar has bid goodbye to Twitter as he is making space for ‘positive energies. The filmmaker announced in his last tweet which is no longer available. KJo shared his final tweet, “making space for more positive energies only and this is step one towards that. Goodbye Twitter!” He later deactivated his account.

Soon after he shared the tweet, fans hailed his move and flooded the comments section wherein a user wrote, “Positive energy and space is far more important than any SM platform. Cheers KJo have a good one”.

Karan Johar faced an excessive wrath of trolls after actress Kangana Ranaut accused him as the flag bearer of nepotism. He continued to face hate on social media even after his latest release, ‘Brahmastra: Part One-Shiva’, which bore the brunt of #BoycottBollywood movement.

Incidentally, the filmmaker decided to delete his Twitter account on October 10, a significant date as the it marks World Mental Health Day. “Make mental health & well-being for all a global priority’ is this year’s theme for the day. In the last episode of Koffee with Karan season 7, Karan Johar opened up about his mental health issues, battling anxiety and seeking therapy.