Mumbai- Kangana Ranaut, known for her outspoken nature, recently lashed out at an alleged “farzi husband-wife jodi,” who she claims is spreading false information about her. The actress has been in the limelight for speaking against media reports that she feels have demeaned her regarding a potential collaboration with actor Vijay Sethupathi.

Taking to her Insta story, Kangana accused the said couple of living on separate floors while pretending to be a couple. She expressed her frustration over them allegedly spreading fake news about movie announcements that haven’t been made and claiming ownership of a brand owned by Myntra. Furthermore, Kangana shared her perspective on a recent family trip, where she was reportedly snubbed while the husband allegedly contacted her, pleading to meet him.

The actress didn’t hold back in her criticism, asserting that such marriages, driven by motives like movie promotions, money, and career advancement rather than love, are bound to lead to complications. She targeted the actor in question, who she claims married under the pressure of a mafia-connected father, with a promise of a movie trilogy. However, that promise appears to have been canceled, and now he is allegedly trying to break free from the “fake marriage” with little success.

While Kangana’s strong words may stir controversy, she remains focused on her work front, with two films ready for release. In “Tejas,” she portrays an Air Force Pilot, while her directorial venture, “Emergency,” sees her embody the role of Indira Gandhi. Amidst the drama and the work, Kangana’s candidness continues to captivate audiences, leaving many curious about the identities of the “farzi husband-wife jodi” she has targeted.