Mumbai: Kalki 2989 AD becomes the seventh film to cross the Rs. 1000 crore mark at the box office. Seven years after making history with Bahubali 2: The Conclusion, the actor has checked that Prabhas has hit a new milestone in his second Rs. 1000 crore movie at the worldwide box office.

The sci-fi epic directed by Nag Ashwin was released on June 27 and managed to achieve this in just 25 days. With this, it became the only Telugu-origin film and the fourth south-Indian film to reach the milestone.

The film grossed an estimated Rs. 990 crores globally in the first 24 days and added over Rs. 10 crores later. The blockbuster grossed an estimated Rs. 730+ crores in India and a raked estimated Rs. 270+ crores from overseas markets.

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