Suriya and Lijomol Jose-starrer Jai Bhim, directed by TJ Gnanavel, was critically acclaimed by viewers and critics. After a Golden Globes nomination, scenes from the film have now been featured on the official Oscars YouTube channel for their ‘Scene at the Academy’ segment. Suriya’s production banner 2D Entertainment shared the news on social media with the caption, “An honour of the highest order! #JaiBhim has been featured in the official YouTube channel of @TheAcademy #SceneAtTheAcademy.”
Talking about the film’s opening sequence wherein the police releases detainees based on their caste, director Gnanavel said, “On basis of caste discrimination, the police are shown segregating tribal people. That’s the opening scene; you could call it the film’s theme. How easily a powerful system can brand the oppressed as habitual offenders on basis of caste, they’re being framed like this.” He added, “This film is not just about custodial violence faced by the tribal people but how caste discrimination forms the basis of custodial discrimination.”
The video also features several other scenes from the film including the ones depicting custodial violence and Jose’s character Sengeni’s fight for justice through Suriya, who plays a lawyer. Jai Bhim follows the story of a tribal couple- Sengeni (Lijomol Jose) and Rajakannu (Manikandan). After Rajakannu is arrested and goes missing, Sengeni approaches advocate Chandru (Suriya) to fight for justice. In November, Jai Bhim (then rated 9.6) overtook The Shawshank Redemption in ratings and made it to the top spot of IMDb’s top 250 films list. The film currently has a rating of 9.3.