Mumbai: Teenage actor Harshaali Malhotra who shot to fame with her role as a child artist Munni in Bajrangi Bhaijaan recently added another feather to her cap. The actor who received overnight fame with the Kabir Khan directorial was conferred with the prestigious Bharat Ratna Dr Ambedkar Award this year. Post Bajrangi Bhaijaan, the little one was offered a variety of roles, but she wanted to complete her studies.

Harshaali’s performance as a mute girl was critically praised and earned her the Filmfare Award for Best Female Debut nomination, making her the youngest person to be nominated in the category and won the Screen Award for Best Child Artist among several other awards and nominations. Now her talent received another appreciation after she was honoured with Bharat Ratna Dr Ambedkar Award this year by Bhagat Singh Koshyari, Governor of Maharashtra.

Harshaali shared her happiness on Instagram after she shared a picture from the event where she can be seen receiving the award while sharing her happiness on stage. Soon after her post, her friends and well-wishers extended their congratulations to Harshaali while praising her acting skills. She has also worked in a handful of TV shows such as Qubool Hai and Savdhaan India among others. She is now gearing up to star in the upcoming movie titled Nastik, which is currently under development. The film also features other popular names such as Meera Chopra and Arjun Rampal.