The Telugu superhero film “HanuMan” experienced its lowest box office performance on its second Wednesday, garnering ₹3.46 crore in the domestic market, marking a 25.59% decline from the previous day. This downturn started on Monday, January 22, coinciding with the Ram Mandir inauguration in Ayodhya. Despite being inspired by the Hindutva ideology of “Akhand Bharat,” as indicated in its trailer, the ceremony did not boost the film’s numbers. Experiencing a significant drop of 60.51%, the movie earned ₹6.95 crore.

Despite this setback, “HanuMan” had a successful weekend, collecting ₹14.6 crore on Saturday and ₹17.6 crore on Sunday. During its first week, the film amassed ₹99.85 crore in the domestic market, with ₹73.89 crore from the Telugu version, ₹24.5 crore from the Hindi version, ₹78 lakh from the Tamil version, and ₹52 lakh from the Kannada version. The Malayalam version had the lowest business, earning just ₹16 lakh in the initial week.

Remarkably, the film’s second Saturday earnings of ₹14.25 crore exceeded its first Saturday numbers of ₹12.45 crore. The total domestic net collection for the Prasanth Varma-directed film, starring Teja Sajja in the lead role, now stands at ₹147.11 crore. With a gross domestic box office collection of ₹166.6 crore and ₹49 crore from the overseas market, “HanuMan” has amassed a global total of ₹215.6 crore.

Despite its recent drop in earnings, the movie’s overall performance showcases its success since release, and its diverse language versions contributed to its robust box office figures. The film’s resilience, coupled with its strong weekend performances, reflects its sustained popularity among audiences.

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