Mumbai: Filmmaker Hansal Mehta tweeted in favor of Anurag Kashyap’s Dobaaraa after Kamal Khan and Rohit Jaiswal trolled the movie on Twitter. Kamal Khan had aired a rumor stating that the morning shows of the movie had been canceled. Hansal addressed them as so-called “critics” and called them paid “monsters”.

Hansal Mehta replied to KRK and Rohit Jaiswal on tweeter with a screenshot of their tweet that “#Dobaaraa has done 72 lacs from 370 screens. Which is more than decent. It is these self-proclaimed experts/critics who are part of the malaise affecting us. The industry created these monsters by sucking up to them, paying them, and now getting kicked in the back by them.”

KRK commented on Taapsee’s movie Dobaaraa that it wasn’t receiving a lot of attention. The film #Dobaaraa, starring Bollywood’s biggest actress @taapsee, debuted today in 215 theatres. Additionally, due to a lack of viewers, all morning shows have been canceled. Hahaha.”

A few days after its Tapsee Pannu starring mystery drama, Dobaaraa screenings garnered favorable reviews and a lot of praise from various Bollywood celebs. However, based on numbers, the film might be able to earn a whopping 72 lakh at the box office. Trade analyst Taran Adarsh provided a box office update for the movie and stated that the movie has done far better than Shabaash Mithu and has collected over $72 lakhs from 370 screens.