Challenges loom for the Tamil action-thriller ‘Leo,’ starring the Tamil superstar Thalapathy Vijay, as it grapples with declining bookings and seeks to maintain its Box Office momentum. The situation has prompted Manobala Vijayabalan to declare October 22 as the last opportunity for overseas market recovery. Early estimates suggest that ‘Leo’ is poised to earn ₹40.00 crore nett in India across all languages. According to industry trackers, the film managed to amass ₹139.71 crores net in India within just three days, a commendable feat. On its third day in theaters, ‘Leo’ successfully collected ₹40 crores from audiences who flocked to see it in various languages, including Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada.

The film, directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj, initiated its Box Office journey with an impressive opening day collection of ₹64.8 crore. On October 21, ‘Leo’ commanded an overall Tamil occupancy rate of 72.62% in theaters, attesting to its popularity and drawing power. Notably, it has become the highest-grossing film for both director Lokesh and actor Vijay in the United States. In fact, ‘Leo’ ranks as the seventh highest-grossing Kollywood film of all time, solidifying its position as a blockbuster.

Remarkably, ‘Leo’ stormed into the global box office, raking in an astounding ₹148.50 crores on its first day. This marks a historic opening for a Tamil film, setting new records both domestically and internationally, far surpassing all previous benchmarks.

The star-studded cast of ‘Leo’ includes Thalapathy Vijay, alongside acclaimed actors such as Sanjay Dutt, Trisha Krishnan, and Arjun Sarja. In a bid to ensure a grand and timely release, Seven Screen Studios Production sought special permission from the Madras High Court, allowing the film to be screened as early as 4 am in cinemas across Tamil Nadu on its release day.

As ‘Leo’ battles with the challenges of maintaining its Box Office numbers, it continues to captivate audiences worldwide with its powerful performances, intriguing storyline, and the magnetic presence of Thalapathy Vijay, solidifying its place as a record-breaking Tamil blockbuster.

Read More: Vijay’s “Leo” Movie Exceeds ₹100 Crore in India on Day 2

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