Mumbai: Veteran Bollywood director Esmayeel Shroff who directed Actor Govinda in his debut movie passed away in Mumbai on Wednesday. He was admitted to Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital after suffering a heart attack almost a month ago. He was aged 62 years at the time of passing away. He has directed many movies in the Hindi cinema industry that earned him recognition and fame. Actor Govinda’s debut movie Love 86 was directed by him in the year 1986. The actor has expressed his deepest condolences after the news broke out.

Some of Esmayeel Shroff’s mentionable work includes movies like Ahista Ahista, God and Gun, Zid, Majhdhaar, Dil Akhir Dil Hai, Agar, Jhuta Sach, Bulundi, Suryaa, Nishchaiy, Police Public and a lot more. His last directorial movie Thoda Tum Badlo, Thoda Hum released in the year 2004 and featured actors Shriya Saran and Arya Babbar in the lead roles.

Expressing his grievance, Govinda said, “I’m deeply saddened. My career started with his film. Uparwala unko jannat naseeb karaye (may God place his soul in heaven). May his soul rest in peace. Not only did he give me work, but he used to have faith in me, too. He was the first person in my life who said that Govinda understands cinema. He played a big role in making me Govinda from Govind.” Apart from him, veteran actor Padmini Kolhapure, filmmaker Ashoke Pandit, and others also paid their tributes to the late director and remembered working with him.