The awaited sequel to the film “Gadar; Ek Prem Katha” titled “Gadar 2” is ruling the box office with its stellar performance. Starring the duo of Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel, the movie has been a success earning an impressive average of ₹10 crore during its second weekdays. This achievement is unparalleled by any film so far.
In 13 days since its release “Gadar 2” has collected ₹411.10 crore at the box office. Based on trends reports suggest that the movie made around ₹10.40 crore on its day and is predicted to earn approximately ₹9.50 crore on Day 14, which falls on August 24.
On another note, Rajinikanth’s blockbuster film titled “Jailer” witnessed a number of viewers during its week but experienced a decline in audience turnout in the second week. Despite maintaining earnings over weekends, it observed a drop in weekday collections. Industry insiders reveal that “Jailer” earned Rs 3.78 crore on Wednesday, bringing its earnings to an impressive Rs 295.78 crore over the span of two weeks.
Meanwhile, Akshay Kumar and Pankaj Tripathi’s latest project has crossed the ₹100 crore mark at the box office. However, it has seen a decrease in momentum during weekdays. The movie’s earnings on Wednesday were estimated to be around ₹3 crore resulting in a total of ₹123.72 crore over a span of 12 days. These impressive figures indicate that the Indian film industry is currently experiencing a period with movies catering to diverse audiences making an impact at the box office.