Anil Sharma’s movie “Gadar 2 “, starring Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel, has been doing well at the box office since it premiered on August 11. The film has shown its performance by earning ₹41 crore on its tenth day. Initial estimates indicate that the film collected ₹284.63 crore during its week. The subsequent weekend witnessed growth, with earnings of ₹20.5 crore on Friday and ₹31.07 crore on Saturday, bringing the total earnings to a substantial ₹377.20 crore so far.
However, amidst this success, there was a controversy surrounding Sunny Deol. It was reported that the Bank of Baroda (BoB) had issued a notice for the e-auction of the Deol’s Juhu bungalow in Mumbai due to a loan of ₹56 crore. However, the bank promptly retracted its notice citing ” reasons “, effectively resolving the matter.
In parallel, Rajinikanth’s lingual movie “Jailer,” which is available in Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada languages, has also made a significant impact. On the day after its release, it garnered ₹18.7 crore across all versions in India. The total earnings for the movie “Jailer” in India have reached ₹280.85 crore. In terms of collections, it has been performing well, with trade experts estimating that it will surpass ₹550 crore by Monday’s end.
Furthermore, “Oh My God 2” (OMG 2), starring Akshay Kumar, Pankaj Tripathi, and Yami Gautam, has demonstrated resilience at the box office. Released on the same day as “Gadar 2”, the film has maintained its momentum, pulling in ₹12.7 crore on Sunday, as reported by This achievement is particularly noteworthy given the fierce competition posed by “Gadar 2”, which is on the verge of surpassing the ₹400 crore milestone.