Mumbai: Deol’s recent blockbuster, “Gadar 2”, is making waves in the cinematic world, especially with its spectacular box office earnings. Within its inaugural week, the film impressively garnered a net of Rs 284.63 crore in India. By the end of the eighth day, industry analysts report that its daily intake swelled by another Rs 19.5 crore, pushing the total domestic net to a commendable Rs 304.13 crore.
By the time “Gadar 2” concluded its first week on the big screen, it had already surpassed the Rs 300 crore benchmark. Subsequently, this tally escalated to Rs 335.9 crore. Moreover, the film didn’t just resonate with Indian audiences and made a mark internationally, raking in an additional Rs 33.1 crore.
On the other hand, Akshay Kumar’s “Oh My God 2 (OMG 2)” had a commendable start, fetching an estimated ₹5.6 crore on its debut Friday. As per the latest insights, “OMG 2” has reached an accumulation of approximately ₹90.65 crore in India, having commenced with a strong ₹85.05 crore in its initial week.
Simultaneously, “Jailer” has made a robust presence in the box office scene, accumulating over Rs 375 crores globally. Within its eight-day release span in India, it accounted for Rs 235.65 crores, with a notable occupancy rate hovering around 32.70%. Even amid stiff competition from powerhouses like “Gadar 2” and “OMG 2”, “Jailer” still managed to pull in an extra Rs 9 crore. It’s worth highlighting the film’s specific traction in the Tamil belt, which achieved a consistent occupancy of 34.53%. To date, “Jailer” boasts a cumulative collection of Rs 244.85 crore in India, with the finalized figures yet to be confirmed.