Following a boost during the Christmas holiday on Monday, Dunki experienced a notable drop in audience attendance, registering Rs 10.25 crore on Tuesday, marking its lowest single-day collection since its release on December 21. Despite an impressive start with Rs 29.2 crore on the opening day, Dunki faced a dip on the second day, earning Rs 20.12 crore. 

The film’s trajectory changed on Saturday, picking up momentum and reaching Rs 25.61 crore. It peaked on Sunday, surpassing its opening day with a collection of Rs 30.7 crore. The holiday on Monday contributed Rs 24.32 crore, bringing the total India earnings of director Rajkumar Hirani’s comedy drama to Rs 140.20 crore nett.

Dunki, Shah Rukh Khan’s third film this year following Pathaan and Jawaan, surpassed the remarkable milestone of Rs 250 crore worldwide, boasting a gross of Rs 256.40 crore in under a week. It’s worth noting that these figures, while impressive, differ from the exceptional success achieved by Pathaan and Jawaan, both crossing the Rs 1000 crore mark in global earnings.

Metros emerged as Dunki’s primary revenue generators, boasting a 22.28% Hindi occupancy, with the highest footfall recorded during evening shows. The film, featuring Taapsee Pannu and Vicky Kaushal, continues to play a significant role at the box office, showcasing a mix of fluctuations where standout days compensate for others.

As Dunki maintains its theatrical run, its box office journey unfolds dynamically. Audiences keenly observe its evolving reception and financial milestones in the coming days. The film’s resilience and ability to bounce back from occasional drops highlight the intriguing dynamics of its performance. 

With a diverse range of audience preferences, Dunki’s overall success is a result of a strategic blend of content, star power, and effective marketing, making it a noteworthy contender in the competitive landscape of Bollywood releases. As the weeks progress, Dunki remains a focal point in the cinematic landscape, continually shaping its narrative and contributing to the ongoing dialogue around box office dynamics.

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