Shah Rukh Khan’s latest film, “Dunki,” crossed the Rs 200 crore milestone in India on its second Wednesday, registering approximately Rs 3.30 crore in collections, as reported by industry tracker. Despite a robust weekend performance with Rs 11.50 crores on Sunday and Rs 9 crore on Monday, the film experienced a significant drop of over 50 percent on Wednesday, earning Rs 3.85 crores. The cumulative domestic collection of “Dunki” has now reached Rs 203.92 crore. The movie, with an 11.83% Hindi occupancy on Wednesday, has garnered mixed reviews from both audiences and critics.

Shah Rukh Khan’s latest venture has not only surpassed the Rs 409 crore mark worldwide but has also outperformed his earlier film, “Dilwale,” which globally made Rs 394 crores. “Dunki” now claims the position of the fourth highest-grossing film in SRK’s illustrious career, trailing behind “Jawan,” “Pathaan,” and “Chennai Express,” which raked in Rs 1156 crores, Rs 1050 crores, and Rs 424 crores, respectively.

“Dunki” is a landmark collaboration between Shah Rukh Khan and acclaimed director Rajkumar Hirani. The film features a stellar cast including Boman Irani, Taapsee Pannu, Vicky Kaushal, Vikram Kochhar, and Anil Grover in pivotal roles. Notably, the movie faced box office competition from Prabhas starrer “Salaar,” directed by Prashanth Neel, which has accumulated over Rs 650 crores globally.

Despite the drop in mid-week collections, “Dunki” continues to make waves in the box office, and its positioning as the fourth highest-grossing film in Shah Rukh Khan’s career adds another feather to the film’s cap. As the collaboration between SRK and Rajkumar Hirani proves to be a success, “Dunki” cements its place as a significant player in the recent cinematic landscape, navigating the competitive box office alongside other major releases.

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