Mumbai: SRK has most recently shared updates on two of his upcoming movies Dunki and Pathaan. Taking to his Instagram on Wednesday, SRK thanked the Saudi Arabia Ministry of Culture for ensuring a safe and successful environment for filming Dunki. He also said it’s a wrap for the film’s schedule in Saudi. Today, he shared another post about his next release Pathaan on his Instagram. He shared a new poster of the movie and informed the fans that it’s only 55 days until the big release. This movie will see a comeback of the King of Bollywood after almost four years. 

SRK shared a video of the Dunki schedule wrap in Saudi in which he said, “There is nothing more satisfying than completing a shooting schedule as is with Dunki here in Saudi. So I want to thank Raju (Rajkumar Hirani) sir, Abhijat (Joshi), Manosh and the rest of the cast and crew for making it so lovely. And, a special thanks to the ministry of culture and films here in Saudi for giving us such spectacular locations, amazing arrangements, and warm hospitality. So a very very big Shukran to you all and Barakallahu Feekum. God bless you.” In the video, apart from SRK, a beautiful background could be seen. 

On the other hand, the poster of Pathaan has John, Deepika, and SRK in it which the Actor shared in all three languages that the movie is going to release in, which includes Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu. This movie is set to release on January 25 next year. The fans of the King are waiting eagerly for this big release. While Dunki’s schedule wrap is announced by him and is slated to release in December end next year, SRK also has one more film in his kitty that is supposed to release next year as well. The film is titled Jawaan. It is going to be a massive year for SRK fans all over the world.