Vivek Agnihotri’s directorial, ‘The Kashmir Files’ has taken over the box collection across the nation. The film is reported to have broken acclaimed records by previous Bollywood blockbusters pre and post COVID. The Kashmir Pandit exodus movie recorded a promising Day 4 at the box office, sculpting Rs 15.05 crore. While SLB venture Gangubai- that made it to Berlin Festivals had made only Rs 8.19 crore on Day 4. The sports flick, 83 starring Deepika Padukone and hubby Ranveer Singh reincarnating the world cup josh earned Rs 7.29 crore on day 4.

Perhaps, in the history of Indian Cinema, it is for the first time a no movie with no bigshots has garnered so much attention by a common man. As the movie is still snowballing, it is interesting to note the awkward silence maintained by ‘ mainstream Bollywood’ indicates the internal rifts. The movie has started to gather momentum in the public domain looks like it would cross the 100-crore benchmark soon.

The Kashmir Files hit the theatres on Friday. A movie that tells the fictional story of a University student who discovers his Kashmiri Hindu parents were killed by Islamist militants. It depicts the exodus of Hindus from Kashmir in the 90s.