Director Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s latest film, “Animal,” finds itself in the midst of a polarizing debate, not just at the box office but now on the esteemed floor of the Rajya Sabha. Despite its financial success, the movie is under scrutiny for allegedly glorifying toxic masculinity, prompting Congress MP Ranjeet Ranjan to address Parliament about her daughter’s emotional response to the film.

Ranjan contends that cinema serves as a reflection of society, asserting its potential influence on the youth. Drawing parallels with earlier controversial films like “Kabir Singh” and “Pushpa,” she expresses concern over the normalization of problematic behavior portrayed on screen. Her poignant statement details her daughter’s distressing experience while watching “Animal” with college friends, leading her to leave the screening halfway due to overwhelming emotions.

The MP doesn’t shy away from critiquing the film’s depiction of violence towards women, underscoring the broader impact such content can have on impressionable minds. Ranjan draws a direct connection between on-screen narratives and real-world attitudes, citing the example of “Kabir Singh,” where she perceives the titular character’s actions being unjustifiably glorified.

In her address, Ranjan also takes issue with the inclusion of the song “Arjan Vailly” in a scene featuring Ranbir Kapoor’s character engaged in a violent rampage. She questions the choice of a Punjabi war anthem in a context that she finds inappropriate, adding another layer to her critique of the film’s content.

Despite these controversies, “Animal” has emerged as a financial juggernaut, crossing the ₹500 crore mark in global revenue. Released on December 1, the Bollywood film continues to maintain a strong grip on the box office. The seventh-day collection alone reached ₹25.50 crore net in India, contributing to an impressive overall total of ₹313.35 crore.

The nuanced discussion on the floor of the Rajya Sabha reflects the dichotomy surrounding “Animal” – a film achieving substantial commercial success while simultaneously raising concerns about its societal impact. This juxtaposition emphasizes the ongoing discourse regarding the social responsibility of the film industry and its role in shaping cultural norms.

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