Bengaluru: The latest in the line of canceled shows row after comedian Munawar Faruqui and Kunal Kamra is ace actor-comedian Vir Das. With reference to the “joke” made by him in his previous shows, the right-wing group has said that the comedian has insulted the Prime Minister of the country and showed disrespect to women and India in general. The show referred to here was held at the John F Kennedy Center in Washington DC where Vir das allegedly “denigrated the nation” as said by the Hindu janajagruti Samiti officials.

A complaint has been filed against the actor-comedian and a demand for the cancellation of his show in Bengaluru on the 10th of November has also been made by the right-wing group. The complaint letter given to the police by the samiti states, “In this background, it is not right to allow such a controversial person to hold such a program in a communally sensitive area like Bangalore. When Karnataka is already facing many law and order problems due to communal accidents, such events which would vitiate the law and order (situation) and should not be allowed. We demand that this program should be cancelled immediately.” However, no official statement by the comedian or the organizers has been made yet.

Notably many such shows have been canceled in the city where the police and the organizers have cited security reasons of the audience. Comedian Munawar Faruqui also had to go to jail for his “alleged” derogatory remarks on certain religious beliefs. The right-wing groups have repeatedly targeted him and have successfully canceled his shows around the country. Even after such rebuke, the ace comedian became the winner of the 1st season of the reality show Lockup which saw actress Kangana Ranaut as a host! His popularity rose extensively after this stint.