Mumbai: Kartik Aaryan and director Kabir Khan’s ‘Chandu Champion’ grossed Rs 30 crore and is now performing well in theatres. However, on June 18, Tuesday, the film saw a slight drop in numbers compared to the previous four days. It is natural for a film to see a decline in collection during the weekdays. With overwhelming reviews, ‘Chandu Champion’ is likely to pick up momentum over the weekend again.

Going by the initial trade reports, ‘Chandu Champion’ is said to have earned Rs 3.25 crore net in India. Compared to Day 4 collection, the biographical drama has registered a low number.

The five-day collection of ‘Chandu Champion’ now stands at Rs 29.75 crore net at the domestic box office. The film recorded an overall occupancy of 13.86 percent on June 18. Chandu Champion’ saw major occupancy in the night shows with 21.15 percent. The occupancy rate for the evening and afternoon shows stands at 15.13 percent and 12.65 percent on June 18.

It is based on the extraordinary life of Murlikant Petkar, India’s first Paralympic gold medalist in freestyle swimming. Kartik plays the titular character across many phases in his multi-faceted life, from being an Indian Army soldier to a wrestler, a boxer, a 1965 war veteran and a swimmer. It also stars Vijay Raaz, Bhuvan Arora and Rajpal Yadav in pivotal roles.

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