Mumbai: Bollywood’s Bhaijaan Salman Khan celebrates his 57th birthday today. Sister Arpita Khan and Brother-in-Law Ayush Sharma hosted a grand party for him last night in Mumbai where major celebrities were seen alongside the Khan family. Salman’s Bollywood best friend Shahrukh Khan who also turned 57 last month was also seen attending the party and leaving at the wee jours. They were seen hugging each other multiple times and both were twinning in black tees. 

Apart from SRK, many other celebrities were seen attending the party that included Salman’s ex Sangeeta Bijlani, Kartik Aaryan, Pooja Hegde, Lulia Vantur, and Sonakshi Sinha among others. Apart from his celebrity friends, Salman’s family members were also seen attending the party. Ayush and Arpita came with their children while Arbaaz and Sohail were seen with their sons as well. On the other hand, Salman’s fans were seen crowding outside the venue and outside his house. At the same time, Salman cut the cake with the media as well. 

Not only offline but his online fans have also trended #happybirthdaysalmankhan and #bhaikabirthday on Twitter. On the occasion of his birthday, Salman thanked his friends and family. He has also shelled out a discount on his clothing brand Being Human for his birthday. The earnings of this brand go to charity funds. Salman Khan made a grand entry at his birthday party with high security. 

Salman was also seen posing in front of the media, whose videos are doing the rounds on social media. Salman has been celebrating his birthday at Panvel Farm House every year, but this time the party was organized at sister Arpita Khan’s house. On the work front, Salman will next be seen on his eid release Kisika Bhai Kisiki Jaan in 2023 opposite Pooja Hegde.