Fukrey 3 maintains its impressive box office journey as it enters its second weekend, steadily approaching India’s coveted Rs 70 crore mark. On its ninth day in theatres, the film secured Rs 2.20 crore, bringing its total collection to Rs 68.32 crore, with a global tally of Rs 86.50 crore. Directed by Mrigdeep Singh Lamba, the film stars a talented ensemble cast, including Pankaj Tripathi, Richa Chadha, Pulkit Samrat, Manjot Singh, and Varun Sharma. Despite facing competition, Fukrey 3 made a strong debut with Rs 8 crore and continued to thrive due to positive word-of-mouth, garnering Rs 15 crore on its first Sunday.

In contrast, the box office witnessed a clash between Fukrey 3 and Vivek Agnihotri’s The Vaccine War, starring Nana Patekar. The latter opened with Rs 85 lakh and accumulated approximately Rs 8.50 crore in its first week. This week, three new releases hit theatres: Akshay Kumar’s Mission Raniganj (Rs 2.80 crore), Bhumi Pednekar’s ensemble comedy Thank You for Coming (Rs 80 lakhs), and Rajveer Deol’s debut film Dono (Rs 35 lakh), which faced limited success.

Meanwhile, Kangana Ranaut and Raghava Lawrence’s Chandramukhi 2, in theatres for over a week, managed to collect a respectable Rs 34.55 crore in the domestic market after eight days, demonstrating a steady performance amidst competition in the film industry.