After a steady drop in collection, Varun Dhawan’s Baby John experienced a slight jump in box office on Saturday. The movie brought in Rs 4.25 crore, according to reports, making a total of Rs 23.90 crore. This rise occurs in spite of reports that several shows have been canceled.

Despite the holiday, Baby John had an underwhelming opening at the box office on Wednesday, earning Rs 11.25 crore. The movie’s earnings fell precipitously by 57.78% on Thursday, totaling Rs 4.75 crore. The movie made Rs 3.65 crore on Friday, continuing the downward trend with a further 23% decline. But Saturday saw the first increase in its earnings, which gave the movie a much-needed lift. Despite this little rebound, Allu Arjun’s Pushpa 2, which is still dominating the box office in its fourth week, is posing a serious threat to Baby John. Pushpa 2 made Rs 12.5 crore that same day, showing its superiority over Baby John.

Bhediya, Varun Dhawan’s 2022 theatrical release, performed notably better than Baby John. Bhediya made Rs 32.4 crore in its first four days, more than Baby John’s current total of Rs 23.90 crore. Atlee’s 2016 Tamil film Theri was remade as Baby John, which was directed by Kalees. The film features Varun Dhawan in the titular role, alongside Keerthy Suresh, Wamiqa Gabbi, Zara Zyanna, and Jackie Shroff.

Apart from its poor box office result, Baby John has also gotten a poor response from critics. A critic wrote, “After sitting through this bloated, cacophonous, derivative, incoherent mess, you feel like telling lead actor Varun Dhawan, who is all wrong for this kind of film—cameras can help him do the slo-mo swagger thing, but his delivery is fit only for low-fi comedies—that he needn’t have bothered. Baby John bids fair to claim the title of the worst film of 2024, a year when big, starry Bollywood tanked well and truly.”

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