Varun Dhawan and Keerthy Suresh’s action thriller Baby John, made on a huge budget of Rs 160 crore, was expected to be a big success at the box office. But there has been no significant improvement even during the New Year holidays.
Box Office Collection Day 8
According to reports, on January 1, 2025, Kalees’ film brought in around 2.75 crores. It continued to be the audience’s final pick while Mufasa: The Lion King and Pushpa 2 maintained their lead. In the Hindi belt, even Unni Mukundan’s Malayalam action thriller Marco is doing better and now has a higher screen count.
The total cost of Baby John for eight days is approximately 35.40 crores. Recovery of the budget is no longer possible. Just 22% of the 160 crores that were anticipated have been collected thus far.
Baby John vs Bhediya
Varun Dhawan’s last theatrical release, Bhediya, was average at the box office. In 8 days, it grossed ₹44 crore, which is about 24% more than Baby John.
60 crores out of reach?
Other big releases: Pushpa 2 and Mufasa: The Lion King earned more than Rs 5 crore over the New Year holidays, and Baby John’s box office collection is apparently quite low. The figures will further decline when regular working days will start from today. Now if this Varun Dhawan starrer film does not maintain its hold, then it seems that even the lifetime of Rs 60 crore will be out of reach. The situation has become worrying; now only the trend of today and tomorrow will decide its future at the box office.
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