Mumbai: Aryan Khan is listed as accused no 1 in the case was taken into judicial custody after the judge said,” I am of the view that no custodial interrogation is required as sufficient time was given.” Following this move, Aryan’s lawyer moved a petition for interim bail.

Star Kid Aryan Khan who was arrested on October 2nd was produced in court today. Representing Aryan Khan Satish Maneshinde argued that he had been invited as a Bollywood celebrity and possessed no drugs on board when he was searched. During the hearing, the Anti-drug agency claimed Aryan Khan was supplied drugs by one of the other men arrested in the cruise ship drug bust.

The court today heard the bail plea of the 23-year-old Khan boy, who asserted that no drugs were found during the raid from his bag. “They asked me if I was carrying drugs and I said no, they searched my bag and found nothing, “he stated in the court today. Additional Solicitor Gen Anil Singh argued to consider the case in its entirety.