Mumbai: An independent witness, Prabhakar Sail, appeared before the Narcotics Control Bureau’s Delhi vigilance team in Mumbai on Tuesday for the second day in connection with the NCB’s investigation into pay-off allegations in the cruise drugs case in which Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan is an accused, according to an NCB official. The NCB questioned him for about 10 hours on Monday.

Mr Sail was summoned for interrogation again on Tuesday, according to NCB Deputy Director General (Northern Region) Gyaneshwar Singh, who is in charge of the vigilance squad. According to an NCB officer, Mr Sail and his lawyer Tushar Khandare arrived at the Central Reserve Police Force’s (CRPF) mess in suburban Bandra at 11.55 a.m. Mr Sail, who claims to be the bodyguard of NCB witness KP Gosavi, said in an affidavit last month that after Aryan Khan was detained by the NCB, he overheard Mr Gosavi discussing a 25 crore pay-off agreement.

Mr Gosavi allegedly stated that NCB’s Mumbai zonal director Sameer Wankhede would receive Rs. 8 crore from the sale. Following his charges, the NCB started a vigilance investigation against officers from the anti-drugs agency and others. Mr. Wankhede had denied the allegations levelled against him.