Mumbai: A week after returning home from his 26-day-long judicial custody in Mumbai’s Arthur Road Jail, Aryan Khan made his first appearance at the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) on Friday. Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan’s son marked his attendance at the NCB office at Ballard Estate in south Mumbai around 12.15 PM. He was accompanied by a bodyguard. Khan was granted bail by the Bombay High Court on October 28th- on a personal bond of Rs 1 lakh with one or two sureties of the same amount. SRK’s actress-friend Juhi Chawla stood as surety for the 23-year-old before the special court, designated to hear cases related to the Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act (NDPS).

The court had listed around 14 conditions for granting bail, one of which was weekly (every Friday) attendance between 11 AM and 2 PM. As part of the conditions laid out by HC, Khan has been asked to surrender his passport to the NDPS court, and cannot leave the city without informing the local police or taking permission from the NDPS court. He has been also asked to not interact with the media or others accused in the case

Aryan was arrested on October 3rd in an NCB raid on a cruise ship off the city coast, and booked under relevant sections of the NDPS Act for possession, consumption, sale/purchase of banned drugs and conspiracy and abetment. Mannat was decked up with lights, signalling the celebrations of SRK’s birthday on November 2nd, Diwali on November 4th and then Aryan’s birthday on November 13th.