Mumbai: It was recently reported that Kareena Kapoor Khan, Amrita Arora, Seema Khan, Maheep Kapoor and her daughter Shanaya Kapoor had tested positive for COVID-19. We have now learnt that Arjun Kapoor, his sister Anshula Kapoor, Rhea Kapoor and her filmmaker husband Karan Boolani have all tested positive for the virus. They are presently under quarantine and are taking all the precautions suggested by the doctor.  Arjun Kapoor, who had first tested positive for Covid-19 in September 2020 and recovered thereafter, has tested positive for the second time.

Yesterday, Ranvir Shorey had also taken to Twitter to inform that his son has tested positive for Coronavirus. “My son Haroon and I were on holiday in Goa, and during the routine RT-PCR testing for the flight back to Mumbai, he has turned out to be Covid positive. We are both completely asymptomatic and have immediately quarantined until further investigations. The wave is real,” the actor wrote. He also further added, “We are planning a retest for him tomorrow, to rule out a false positive, and also testing me, though I am vaccinated.”

BCCI (The Board of Control for Cricket in India) President Sourav Ganguly too had tested positive for COVID-19 recently, and so did actor Arjun Bijlani. Yesterday, Hollywood actor Hugh Jackman too confirmed testing positive for the virus. Meanwhile, on the work front, Arjun Kapoor will next be seen in Mohit Suri’s Ek Villain Returns, Aasmaan Bhardwaj’s Kuttey and in Ajay Bahl’s The Ladykiller.